Webhooks Device – Updowns Disconnection_Sensitivity Feature


If an end-user wants to know if his/her AP was DISCONNECTED and was not UP within a specific time/threshold configured at site settings.


device-updowns topic should be configured/enabled in either Site OR Org Webhooks.

Threshold should be configured in at least one site.

Organization Setup :

Goto Organization Settings in Web Portal UI.

Enable Webhooks by Supply name and Supply URL.

Goto Webhooks API – https://api.mist.com/api/v1/orgs/{Org-ID}/webhooks

Add topic “device-updowns” by POST/PUT API.

For Site Setup :

Goto Site Configuration in Web Portal UI.

Enable Webhooks by Supply name and Supply URL.

Goto Webhooks API – https://api.mistsys.com/api/v1/sites/{Site_ID}/webhooks

Add topic “device-updowns” by POST/PUT API.

Threshold Setting :

Threshold can be applied between values “0 to 30 “ min. If we applied more than 30 min for example 60 minutes then it will reset to “0”. (where 0 stands for no threshold)

Below are the steps for setting the threshold –

Goto Site Setting API -https://api.mistsys.com/api/v1/sites/{Site_ID}/setting

The threshold value should be between 0 to 30 min.

For example: PUT API – { “device_updown_threshold”: 15 }

Note: As of now we can apply threshold in Site Settings only.

Steps to Generate Events :

Step 1:

For example: (Currently applied threshold to Site is 15 Min. )

AP disconnected at 10:00 AM

AP connected after 10:15 AM.

Expected :

AP Disconnected Event should get generate and should receive in End Point URL after 15 Min.

Device-updowns event example –


2. Once AP get connected – AP Connected and AP Restarted event should receive in End Point URL.

Step 2 :

AP disconnected at 10:00 AM

AP connected at 10:10 AM

Expected : AP Disconnected/Connected Event should not get generated for this case. As threshold applied is 15 min.

Note: To leverage the threshold feature, the threshold has to be applied to each intended site setting individually, as of now there is no common threshold configuration mechanism available to apply at the organization level.