Virtual Beacons

Virtual beacons are the Mist patented vBeacon technology used to provide the proximity-related notification to the user on the Mobile app using Mist SDK.

Benefits of Virtual Beacons:
Users can be notified when the device is within the proximity such as immediate/near/far based on the power transmitted.

vBeacon API:

GET /api/v1/sites/:site_id/stats/vbeacons
   "name": "beacons-test-extra",
   "uuid": "00000000-0000-1000-8000-000000000000",
   "major": 0,
   "minor": 0,
   "message": "Welcome to Mist Office",
   "url": "",
   "power": 18,
   "power_mode": "custom",
   "x": 2390,
   "y": 2100,
   "x_m": 220.3443582420362,
   "y_m": 193.60801351810713,
   "id": "1020b0af-454a-47c4-ad5f-d2a0d673a137",
   "site_id": "49ff76e0-a283-4e7d-b38d-041f1e9aff3c",
   "org_id": "9777c1a0-6ef6-11e6-8bbf-02e208b2d34f",
   "created_time": 1586930392,
   "modified_time": 1592525375,
   "map_id": "a4386034-a10f-461a-99ef-33bc478b02a8",
   "tag_id": null

vBeacon Notification using SDK

vBeacon notifications can be implemented in Mobile App using notification callback in Mist SDK.

vBeacon notifications in Android

onNotificationReceived(Date dateReceived, String message)

vBeacon notifications in iOS:

func mistManager(_ manager: MSTCentralManager!, didReceiveNotificationMessage payload: [AnyHashable : Any]!)


You can see the response shown below which provides proximity information via notification callback.


When a user goes near the location of the virtual beacon, a notification is sent to the application with the configured message.

How to add a vBeacon on the floor plan?

  • Login into Mist Portal at

  • From the left menu hover over the Location menu item and click on Live View.

  • Select the floorplan you will like to add a vBeacon on.

  • Click on Beacons and Zones.

  • Select Add VBeacon on the floor map.

  • Move and place it to the intended location on the floor map.

  • Make sure vBeacon has a name and message. Without a title or message, the Mobile app will not receive the notification.

  • Mist has developed a demo mobile app called Mist Experience which implements notification callback to demonstrate Virtual beacon notification based on proximity.

Setting Virtual beacon:

  • A virtual beacon setting is fairly self-explanatory. After adding the virtual beacon on the floor map by default the name is set to ‘Anonymous’.

  • Click on Edit from the Right-Hand-Side of the page.

  • Add Name, Message, and URL in the quick edit form and hit save button.