We at Mist are constantly working on making the Mist experience the best possible experience. So every month you will see new and updated Cloud Features. Here are the updates for March 2017.
Insights Redesign
1. The Insights view now displays the location map, number of Access Points/Clients, and Mbps at the top.

2. Updated view shows Access Points, Clients, and Applications in a clean and organized manner.

Site Comparison
1. You can now view all available organizations in SLE view. This can be accessed in the drop down menu under Monitor -> WiFi Service Levels.

Org Average shows a general overview of the performance across all sites. Sort and compare metrics between every individual site with an AP to immediately identify problem areas in each location.
Guest Portal Pre-authorization
1. This feature allows users to be preauthorized on guest portals for a specified amount of time. This eliminates the need for long-term guests to sign in every time they access the guest portal.

The “Edit Guest Authorization” option will appear once you select “Show guest portal.”

Here you can specify the MAC Address of the guest you want to pre-authorize, as well as control how long they will have access for.
Broadcast Suppression
1. An option now exists to filter out broadcast traffic except for ARP, DHCP, and IPv6 traffic.

This is located in Networks -> WLANs
RRM Events
1. We’ve added Radio Events which display changes in Channel, Bandwidth, Power, and Reasons for changes.

This is located under Network -> Radio Management.