This week, with the new capabilities we have released, we want to know from you how Marvis is doing in answering questions, and also open the documentation on our APIs to be more easily accessible to program the network.
Below are the updates for January 31st, 2019:
Marvis – Virtual Network Assistant
Give us Feedback!
At Mist we are always looking to improve the experience for anyone using our product. Our Marvis virtual assistant is constantly being enhanced with new features and queries to ease the pain of troubleshooting your network. Help us improve Marvis by providing us feedback about your experiences. Did Marvis help solve your issue? Should we have provided additional information to help your request? Let us know! Click on the How did I do? bar under your query to give a rating and a comment about your thoughts. Do all of this easily without leaving the page, and your concerns will most certainly be addressed in future iterations of Marvis.
Simplified Operations
API Documentation Page
Now, easily access our API documentation page straight from the Mist Dashboard. Locate the ? button on the top right corner and select API Documentation to be taken to for you to reference. To learn more about Automation with APIs, please also see this section in our documentation site where we give instructions and examples of use cases: