Product Updates

January 16th 2020 Updates

Simplified Operations See Closed Support Tickets We are making an improvement with the visibility of support tickets by keeping closed/resolved tickets exposed on our UI. You can look for older tickets that have been solved and reference these for solutions given for any previous issues. Access the Support Tickets page by clicking on the “?”...

January 9th 2020 Updates

Simplified Operations Network and Engagement Analytics We are pleased to announce that the Network and Engagement Analytics pages are now available for all users! Use these analytics pages to monitor detailed views of client activity and usage rate across all your sites. Customize your view with the most relevant data and resize each information box...

December 12th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Indicate Client Events with Dynamic PCAP file Client Events have been an integral part of what makes Wi-Fi Assurance at Mist Systems so innovative. The ability to dynamically capture packets for specific users at any point in time is extremely helpful in proactively troubleshooting network issues for individual clients. This week we are...

December 5th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Wired Packet Capture Please note this feature requires firmware version of 0.5.x or newer. Previously the Wired packet capture feature was limited to beta customers, so this week we are excited to announce that this feature is now available for all users! With Wired PCAP, data is captured from the Eth0 port of...

November 21st 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Mist Resource Center We are pleased to announce our brand new Mist Resource Center! Use the Resource Center to quickly check recent announcements, search through our documentation, get step-by-step instructional guides, and read our weekly product updates, all conveniently from any page of our Mist Dashboard. Access our Resource Center through the book...

November 14th 2019 Updates

Marvis Action Dashboard Improvements This week we made an improvement with the Site Map view in Marvis Actions Dashboard. Now, instead of showing the number of sites on the map, we will show the number of issues seen across all sites. Zooming in on the map area will then show the separate individual sites, each...

November 8th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations View List of Clients per Application Our Insights page gives an overview of network experience across the entire site, including a detailed view into your WLANs, Access Point statuses, Switches, and Applications. View the Insights page for your Site, Access Points, or specific Clients. This week we are expanding the Applications section on...

October 24th 2019 Updates

Marvis – Virtual Network Assistant Unhappy users at WLAN Now you can let Marvis give you answers for a simple question like” Unhappy users” to get a holistic view of all clients on your site who are having Successful Connect issues. Use this to quickly get an overview on the client satisfaction across your network...

October 17th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations View Client Classification on WiFi Clients list Earlier this year we introduced the capability of including client classifications for better visibility in identifying threats to the network. This function was an improvement in our WIPS security and allowed you to allowlist clients as sanctioned clients and blocklist clients as watched clients on your...

October 11th 2019 Updates

Marvis: Action Dashboard Troubleshoot your network using Marvis Actions Marvis Actions is the proactive method of using Marvis to highlight/bubble up high user-impacting issues across a customer’s organization. This is the next level of our AI capabilities (dpcap, AI driver RRM, VNA etc.), wherein our customers can now experience the beginnings of a self-driving network....