Product Updates

May 30th 2019 Updates

Bug Fixes and Improvements IP Address Sorting We have resolved an issue on our UI to sort IP addresses correctly. This fix can be seen on any AP or Clients list page, where you can sort columns by the IP address. Uppercase WiFi Client Labels We fixed a bug in organization labels where client labels...

May 23rd 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Take action on worst performing sites based on any Service Level Metrics at the Organization level The SLE view across the org, ranked by the worst 100 performing sites helps network admins monitor the health of all sites throughout an organization. For example, use this feature to quickly show the top 100 sites...

May 16th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations New Label Type – User Group Please note that this feature requires a firmware version of 0.5.16885 or newer We are excited to roll out RADIUS user group attributes to be used in WxLAN Policies this week. Instead of selecting individual clients to apply policy labels to, configure your RADIUS server to designate...

May 2nd 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Search Filters in the Audit Log Tables Who? What? Where? When? You can now answer these questions leveraging the search filters in the Audit Logs screens. Audit logs record all administrative activities in an organization, such as creation or deletion of WLANs, updating an AP, or adding Policies. These logs allow you to...

April 26th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations Device Stats at Org Level [API] APIs have always been and continues to be the foundation to our Mist AI platform, and this week we expanded its functionality by allowing you to GET statistics for all devices in your organization across all sites. Results are paginated to show 100 devices on each page...

April 18th 2019 Updates

Bug Fix – Dynamic VLAN ID 1 VLAN ID 1 can now be configured on the UI as a dynamic VLAN if desired. Make sure to have the latest firmware installed if you run into any issues when setting VLAN 1 as a dynamic VLAN. To learn more about static and dynamic VLANs and setting...

April 5th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations – Subscribe to Events Network Admins and Helpdesk users – you now have the power!! This week we are providing more functionality for administrators in the Network Admin and Helpdesk roles by allowing all admins to subscribe to site events. This feature is no longer limited to Super Users only. Now, any admin...

March 28th 2019 Updates

Simplified Operations – Traceroute Tool Improvements At Mist we are always looking to improve our tools to better help you have a smooth experience while navigating the dashboard. The traceroute AP tool is helpful in analyzing the path of your packets and transit delays of these packets. We have added more features to our traceroute...

March 26th 2019 Updates

Network Programmability Model Specific Overrides At Mist we are constantly enhancing our customizability to help improve your individual experience when configuring wireless networks. This week we are introducing AP model specific overrides in RRM and RF Template settings. Model specific overrides allow you to configure settings specific to each AP Model (AP41, AP21, AP61, etc.)....

March 7th 2019 Updates

Network Programmability – Guest Portal Required Fields The Guest Portal defines the landing page customers are directed to when you configure a WLAN with portal configurations. To improve customization, starting this week we are allowing you to set any custom portal field as a required field. You are not limited to setting Name, email, and...