Simplified Operations New cloud instance for US central region We have introduced a new Mist cloud instance, named Global 05, for the US central region. This cloud instance will be visible on the cloud selection pane on the Mist login page. The new cloud instance provides all services except WAN Assurance for SSR, which will...
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Product Updates
Wired Assurance Option to hide unused networks and port profiles The switch details page and switch template now provide an option to hide networks and port profiles that are not used in any user-defined configuration. The unused networks and profiles are listed separately and can be collapsed or expanded as required. An unused network refers...
Documentation Update Mist Documentation has a New Home We have moved the Mist documentation to Juniper’s documentation portal. This change will ensure a seamless experience for users by providing a one-stop-shop for Juniper and Mist product documentation. With this change, all the documentation links on the help menu (?) of the Juniper Mist portal now...
Marvis New columns on the MQL switch list We have added the following two columns to the switch list invoked by Marvis query: Role: Displays the switch role. Managed: Indicates whether the switch is managed by Mist or not. To view these columns, run a Marvis query to list the switches by using the Ask...
WAN Assurance RTT values for slow applications under Application Health SLE metric (SSR) For WAN Edge devices, Application Health Service Level Expectation (SLE) metric provides RTT values associated with slow applications that caused bad user minutes. The SLE also provides the number of application disconnect events. You can view the RTT values, or the application...
Simplified Operations Juniper Mist cloud for United Arab Emirates A Juniper Mist cloud instance is available for United Arab Emirates. This cloud instance is named EMEA 03. For additional information on EMEA 03, see Cloud Instances and Juniper Mist Firewall Ports and IP Addresses for Firewall Configuration. Note that EMEA 03 does not support the...
Simplified Operations Juniper Apstra Cloud Services integration (Global 01 Instance Only) You can now integrate Juniper Apstra Cloud Services with Juniper Mist. Juniper Apstra Cloud Services is a SaaS-based Day 2 observability platform for data centers managed by Apstra. It can receive, process, and perform root cause analysis of networks events from an Apstra-managed data...
Simplified Operations Mist portal is now multilingual To help users from multiple languages interact more easily with Mist dashboards, we have added localization support to the Mist portal, making it available in multiple languages. At this point, Mist supports the following languages in addition to English: Japanese German French Spanish You can change the language...
Marvis Marvis Minis is now live on Mist We are excited to announce Marvis Minis, a network digital twin that helps proactively identify network issues. In this first release, Marvis Minis performs user connection tests on Access Points (APs) on user VLANs to instantly validate connectivity and application reachability issues on your network. It runs...
Simplified Operations Custom forwarding tunnel information on the WLAN list page For each tunneled WLAN (where Custom Forwarding is set to a tunnel), you can view the tunnel profile information in the Forwarding column on the WLAN list page (Site > WLANs). You do not have to open each WLAN page to see the tunnel...