Technology Primer: Campus Fabric Core Distribution CRB Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with an ever-greater need for scalability, segmentation, and security. To...
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. . . . . Technology Primer: Campus Fabric Core Distribution CRB Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with...
Technology Primer: Campus Fabric Core Distribution ERB Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with an ever-greater need for scalability, segmentation,...
Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with an ever-greater need for scalability, segmentation, and security. To meet these challenges, you need a network...
Technology Primer: EVPN Multihoming Use Case Overview Most traditional campus architectures use single-vendor, chassis-based technologies that work well in small, static campuses with few endpoints. However, they are too rigid to support the scalability and changing needs of modern large enterprises. MC-LAG (multi-chassis link aggregation group) is a good example of a single-vendor technology that...
Technology Primer: Campus Fabric IP Clos Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with an ever-greater need for scalability, segmentation, and...
Technology Primer: Campus Fabric IP Clos Use Case Overview Enterprise networks are undergoing massive transitions to accommodate the growing demand for cloud-ready, scalable, and efficient networks, and the plethora of IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile devices. As the number of devices grows, so does network complexity with an ever-greater need for scalability, segmentation, and...
At the Mist user interface, we are looking at the various switches that will be part of the campus fabric build. As we mentioned earlier, we’ve got a couple of access switches, couple of core switches, couple distribution switches, their their current version of code, the model of switch of course and other information that...
. Juniper’s Campus Fabric: Juniper’s Campus Fabric leverages EVPN VXLAN as the underlying technology for small, mid, and large Enterprise deployments. Campus Fabric is built and managed using Mist’s Wired Assurance Cloud-ready AI-driven framework. For additional information on Juniper’s Campus Fabric, please leverage the following Wired Assurance Datasheet and Video Overview and Build demos: ....
. Technology Primer: Micro and Macro Segmentation using Group Based Policy through Mist Wired Assurance Overview You can achieve micro and macro segmentation, for example to secure data and assets, in a VXLAN (Virtual extensible Local Area Network) architecture using Group Based Policy (GBP). GBP leverages underlying VXLAN technology to provide location-agnostic endpoint access control....
Okay, welcome back to the second demo which is group based policy micro segmentation leverage leveraging the Mist Cloud. So remember we just build a fabric, a campus fabric IP Clos. We did that just a couple of minutes ago and we now have full telemetry from from the campus side of it. So...
At the Mist user interface, we are looking at the various switches that will be part of the campus fabric build. As we mentioned earlier, we’ve got a couple of access switches, couple of core switches, couple distribution switches, their their current version of code, the model of switch of course and other information that...