
Adding a Floorplan

Important Note:​​ ​Make sure to scale the map properly before starting your AP design. This needs to be done first because the correct scale of the map will give the most accurate calculations for the BLE coverage range. The best format is PNG with as little white space around the map as possible.  This map...

Adding an AP for Location

For this article the term ‘AP’ can be a WLAN serving APS and/or the BT11 (BLE only) Mounting the AP The Mist APs must be mounted on the ceiling with the LED facing toward the ground. You cannot put a location AP on a wall (vertical mounted), on top of objects, inside of objects, or...

BLE and VBLE power settings

What does the sliding power setting in BLE and VBLE equate to?   Where can I change BLE and VBLE power settings? Access Points → Select AP → BLE Settings/VBLE Array NOTE: Make sure vBLE Engagement is enable under Bluetooth based Location Services in Site Configuration   Should I change BLE and VBLE power for...

Broadcasting BLE Beacons (iBeacon, Eddystone UID, Eddystone URL)

Mist APs can broadcast different types of beacons which have different payload structures. These Beacons are useful when customer want to broadcast beacons with different structure payloads. Apple created the iBeacon format so that your mobile device takes some action when it hears that iBeacon. This is the only way to let an application through...

Enable Bluetooth Services (per Site)

  Bluetooth based services – if you have the subscription you can enable them here.  This will enable BLE for the entire site.  It can be disabled per AP if required. Note there is one subscription for Engagement and another for Asset Visibility

Initial AP Connection and VLANs & Static IP addresses

All Mist AP’s when ‘out of the box’ will boot and expect to see a trunked port or the native VLAN=1 and will send a DHCP request on that VLAN. When in the ‘connected’ state you can make changes via the AP detail screen to assign it to a VLAN.  Care should be taken as...

Proximity Zones

Proximity Zones is an RSSI based feature where the users can create individual or grouped Proximity Zones per Mist AP. Proximity Zones has a similar function to normal polygon zones with the main difference instead of Proximity Zones triggering is based on RSSI data from the clients. How do Proximity Zones work? When you create...

RFGlasses for Troubleshooting

RFGlasses is probably one of the coolest Mist innovations ever. When people work with location and have the classic ‘my blue dot isn’t working’ we created this tool so you can visualize exactly what is going on with that client.  Keep in mind the SDK is reporting to the cloud the ‘beams’ it hears every...

Third Party Beacon Support When Needed

Sometimes you face challenging places for location installs. Atriums are the first examples to come to mind.  In this case there was nowhere to pull a Cat5 cable and get a BT11 installed.  The use of a third-party beacon could help if coverage through an atrium is required. The information about the battery-operated beacon will...

Virtual Beacons

Virtual beacons are the Mist patented vBeacon technology used to provide the proximity-related notification to the user on the Mobile app using Mist SDK. Benefits of Virtual Beacons: Users can be notified when the device is within the proximity such as immediate/near/far based on the power transmitted. vBeacon API: GET /api/v1/sites/:site_id/stats/vbeacons [ { "name": "beacons-test-extra",...


This section will focus on why walls are used, how to insert walls, how to create exclusion zones and Exclusion Zones Rules. Typically for many location cases you don’t need walls but walls are a good feature to help contain SDK clients and assets inside a desired section of a floor plan if needed. Sometimes...


A zone is a custom area defined by user on the floor plan. Benefits of zones: In Mist environment, APIs capture every zone entry and exit event for each clients, assets and SDK clients. Zone APIs: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/zones Using zones, you can get insights of zones such as: Wait time for assets, clients and sdk devices...