Alert/Webhook Name | Group | Category | Description | Triggering Mechanism | Comments |
ap_offline | marvis | ap | Offline (Marvis) | Site down: all APs lose connection around the same time. Switch down/issue: all APs on the same switch lose connection around the same time. Locally online: AP is heard locally but lost cloud connection. Locally offline: AP is not heard locally & lost cloud connection | Req SUB-VNA |
non_compliant | marvis | ap | APs with mismatched firmware | APs in a given site deviating from the firmware version seen on majority APs (same model) at that site | Req SUB-VNA |
ap_bad_cable | marvis | ap | Bad Ethernet cable connected to a Juniper AP | Based on AP frequent ethernet disconnects, restarts, increasing ethernet errors, connecting at 100Mbps | Req SUB-VNA |
health_check_failed | marvis | ap | Unhealthy APs to be replaced | After all auto-remediation/self-healing on the AP fails, Marvis indicates a proactve RMA to replace the AP | Req SUB-VNA |
insufficient_coverage | marvis | ap | Areas around AP(s) with consistent poor Wi-Fi coverage | After RRM makes changes, clients are still seen with low RSSI consistently | Req SUB-VNA |
insufficient_capacity | marvis | ap | AP(s) with low Wi-Fi capacity | After RRM makes changes, a single client or a set of clients have heavy consumption resulting in high AP channel utilization | Req SUB-VNA |
authentication_failure | marvis | connectivity | Site-wide wireless and wired connection failures | Sudden increase in failures across the site OR 100% failures on a server/switch/WLAN/VLAN/AP | Req SUB-VNA OR SUB-SVNA |
dhcp_failure | marvis | connectivity | Site-wide wireless and wired connection failures | Sudden increase in failures across the site OR 100% failures on a server/WLAN/VLAN/AP | Req SUB-VNA OR SUB-SVNA |
arp_failure | marvis | connectivity | Site-wide wireless connection failures | Sudden increase in failures across the site OR 100% failures on a server/WLAN/AP | Req SUB-VNA |
dns_failure | marvis | connectivity | Site-wide wireless connection failures | Sudden increase in failures across the site OR 100% failures on a server/WLAN/AP | Req SUB-VNA |
missing_vlan | marvis | switch | VLAN configured on AP missing on switch port or upstream | AP observes traffic on each vlan and compares between APs on the same switch & other APs in the site. Doesn't require a Juniper switch | Req SUB-VNA OR SUB-SVNA |
bad_cable | marvis | switch | Faulty cable connected to a Juniper switchport | Based on port errors, power draw without ethernet link, increase in bytes out and 0 in (and vice versa) | Req SUB-VNA |
port_flap | marvis | switch | Port constantly going up & down | Port flapping with high frequency & continuously | Req SUB-VNA |
negotiation_mismatch | marvis | switch | Difference in settings between a wired client & connected port | Duplex mismatch and/or auto-negotiation failing | Req SUB-VNA |
switch_stp_loop | marvis | switch | Same frame is seen by a switch multiple times | Frequent STP topology changes along with sudden increase in tx/rx | Req SUB-VNA |
gw_bad_cable | marvis | Router | Faulty cable connected to a Juniper gateway (SRX only) port | Interface stat errors, input/output bytes being 0 | Req SUB-WNA |
gw_negotiation_mismatch | marvis | Router | Difference in MTU packet size seen in the network (SRX only) | Packets being fragmented, MTU errors | Req SUB-WNA |
bad_wan_uplink | marvis | Router | Underperforming/problematic interface (SRX, SSR) | Latency, jitter, packet loss, output drops & drop in transmit packets | Req SUB-WNA |
vpn_path_down | marvis | Router | VPN peer path down (SSR only) | 100% failure of a peer path | Req SUB-WNA |
sw_alarm_chassis_psu | infrastructure | switch | Junos Power Supply Alarm | power supply missing event will trigger this alert |
Showing 1 to 20 of 70 entries