Category: Uncategorized

6 AI Ingredients Every Wireless Networking Strategy Needs

Thanks to advances in AI, companies of all sizes can transform their wireless networking with WiFi that is predictable, reliable and measurable. Artificial intelligence is all the rage these days. There’s broad consensus that AI is the next game-changing technology, poised to impact virtually every aspect of our lives in the coming years, from transportation…

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Mist Systems Polishes Their Message at Mobility Field Day 2

Guest post by Lee Badman. Originally posted at Wirednot. It’s always refreshing when a truly original story comes along in the WLAN world. Mist Systems isn’t quite brand new (I wrote about them for Network Computing back in 2016) but their approach is fresh enough to cause some good energy in the room when you…

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4 key AI concepts you need to understand

Every artificial intelligence solution is built on these four foundations; here’s your quick guide Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm, with innovative use cases being applied across all industry segments. We are decades away from replacing a doctor with an AI robot, as seen in the movies, but AI is helping experts…

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Incorporating location into the IoT experience

The internet of things is all about connecting people and things and enabling objects to be sensed and/or controlled remotely across any network infrastructure. In a business environment, that often means smarter control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, lights, security cameras, etc. — resulting in huge efficiencies and cost savings. Bluetooth® Low Energy…

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From SLE to SLA – Holding Wireless MSPs Accountable

Not too long ago, we put out a paper on the benefits of using Mist to Managed Service Providers. It covers how Mist partners can use our groundbreaking platform to deliver wireless as a service, with unprecedented insight into mobile user behavior and automation of day-to-day tasks for faster problem resolution and lower operational costs….

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Holding your WLAN accountable with service-level expectations

Wi-Fi may not be the only problem when it comes to connectivity issues. Here’s how to accurately and easily address this problem. In my last post, “#WirelessSucks: Where do we go from here?” I talked about the need for better insight into the root cause of network problems. All too often, the Wi-Fi infrastructure is…

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11 Reasons Wireless is Sexy Again

We’re only one month into 2017, but wireless has reinvented itself and we’re falling in love all over again. Check out the slideshare, “11 Reasons Wireless is Sexy Again,” to see the technologies that are rekindling our wireless spark. Who would have thought artificial intelligence, virtual beacons, new antenna arrays, the cloud, BLE, and other…

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How AI will transform your Wi-Fi

I’ve always had a lot of respect for veterinarians, because they are masters at solving problems based purely on fuzzy symptoms that their patients cannot explain: where it hurts, how long it’s been hurting, and what events led up to the problem. Many times the patients don’t even know they are sick. Yet a vet…

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#WirelessSucks: Where do we go from here?

Is Wi-Fi really the problem, or is it getting a bad rap? As wireless becomes more predominant and business critical, it’s essential to get to the root of the issue. “The Wi-Fi doesn’t work.” After speaking to hundreds of customers of all sizes, this is consistently one of the top help desk complaints that I…

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It Takes A Village To Deliver A Great Indoor Location Experience

“The best time is always right now; the best place is always right here.” While this is a great philosophy for living life, it is also very applicable to wireless. That is because mobile users have become accustomed to high speed connectivity that allows instantaneous access to information, coupled with smart applications that take advantage…

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